Ethics and the Use of AI in Managing Pandemics – A Comparative Approach
E-Mail: auxane.boch(at)
Building strategic partnerships to understand ethics and the use of AI to manage health related crises
E-Mail: ellen.hohma(at)
Building strategic partnerships to understand ethics and the use of AI to manage health related crises
E-Mail: catarina.fontes(at)

Laud AmmahStudent Assistant
Responsible AI in Africa Network
E-Mail: laud.ammah(at)

Immanuel KleinStudent Assistant
Laura LucajStudent Assistant
Project PIs
Affiliated Researchers
Niklas CyprisMax-Planck-Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Project: Personalized AI-based Interventions Against Online Norm Violations: Behavioral Effects and Ethical Implications
Dr. Irina DolgopolovaTUM School of Management
Project: Consumer perception and acceptance of an AI-enabled recommender system
Severin EngelmannTUM School of Governance
Project: Personalized AI-based Interventions Against Online Norm Violations: Behavioral Effects and Ethical Implications
Felix FischerDepartment of Informatics
Project: Personalized AI-based Interventions Against Online Norm Violations: Behavioral Effects and Ethical Implications
Maximilian Geißlinger Institute of Automotive Technology
Project: ANDRE – AutoNomous DRiving Ethics
Raji GhawiTUM School of Governance
Project: Online Firestorms and Resentment Propagation on Social Media: Dynamics, Predictability, and Mitigation
Martin GottwaldChair of Data Processing, TUM
Project: METHAD
Charlotte Franziska UnruhTechnical University of Munich
Project: A human preference aware optimization system
Charlotte Haid, M.Sc.Department of Mechanical Engineering
Project: A Human preference-aware optimization system
Alice HeinChair of Data Processing, TUM
Project: METHAD
Dimitrij-Marian Holm, M.Sc.Department of Mechanical Engineering
Project: A Human preference-aware optimization system
Dr. Hui HuangDepartment of Mathematics
Project: Online Firestorms and Resentment Propagation on Social Media: Dynamics, Predictability, and Mitigation
Dr. Mrinalini KochupillaiProfessorship for Signal Processing in Earth Observation
Project: AI for Earth Observation
Tina KuoDepartment of Informatics
Project: Personalized AI-based Interventions Against Online Norm Violations: Behavioral Effects and Ethical Implications
Dr. Lukas MeierInstitute of History and Ethics of Medicine
Project: METHAD
Franziska PoszlerTUM School of Governance
Project: ANDRE – AutoNomous DRiving Ethics
Konstantin RiedlTUM Department of Mathematics
Online Firestorms and Resentment Propagation on Social Media: Dynamics, Predictability, and Mitigation
Dr. Julia SasseMax-Planck-Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Project: Personalized AI-based Interventions Against Online Norm Violations: Behavioral Effects and Ethical Implications
Dr. Mirco SchönfeldTUM School of Governance
Project: Online Firestorms and Resentment Propagation on Social Media: Dynamics, Predictability, and Mitigation
Dr. Gari WalkowitzTUM School of Governance,
Project: Online-Offline Spillovers – Potential real-world implications of online manipulation
Wienke StrathernTUM School of Governance
Projects: Online Firestorms and Resentment Propagation on Social Media: Dynamics, Predictability, and Mitigation & Online-Offline Spillovers – Potential real-world implications of online manipulation
External Affiliated Researchers & Consultants
E-Mail: aritzi4ai(at)