How to build human morality into AI? What is the current status of regulations, and how to satisfy their call for risk minimization and mitigation? What is the importance of empirical investigations and experimentation with moral dilemmas involving self-driving cars as well as new emerging fields such as urban air mobility? These were some of the topics discussed during the “1st Emergency-VRD Workshop – Moral Dilemmas Involving Self-Driving Cars” that took place on Friday, October 7th, at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.
During the workshop, more than 15 international scholars gave various presentations on the topic. Franziska Poszler, IEAI researcher and member of the ANDRE– AutoNomous DRiving Ethics project, provided a glimpse into the project and presented one of the working papers that focuses on how to integrate ethical theories into the trajectory planning of autonomous vehicles and drew attention to the difference that ‘ethical’ programming makes for road users.
The participants had the chance to visit their “vehicle in the loop” on a test track and a driving simulator which are used to test complex driving situations in a safe and reproducible way.