
Prof. Dr. Christoph Lütge
Prof. Dr. Christoph LütgeDirector of the IEAI

Tel.: +49 89 289 25130
Fax: +49 89 289 25133

E-Mail: luetge(at)

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Profile at TUM

Caitlin Corrigan, Ph.D.
Caitlin Corrigan, Ph.D.Executive Director

Tel: +49 89 289 22936

E-Mail: c.corrigan(at)

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Christina Daman
Christina DamanOffice, Program & Event Manager

Tel: +49 89 289 22901

E-Mail: christina.daman(at)

Manuela Fuchs
Manuela FuchsOffice, Program & Event Manager

Tel: +49 89 289 22901

E-Mail: manuela.fuchs(at)

Auxane Boch
Auxane BochResearcher

Ethics and the Use of AI in Managing Pandemics – A Comparative Approach

E-Mail: auxane.boch(at)

Ellen Hohma
Ellen HohmaResearcher

Building strategic partnerships to understand ethics and the use of AI to manage health related crises

E-Mail: ellen.hohma(at)

Ana Catarina Fontes
Ana Catarina FontesResearcher

Building strategic partnerships to understand ethics and the use of AI to manage health related crises

E-Mail: catarina.fontes(at)

Laud Ammah
Laud AmmahStudent Assistant

Responsible AI in Africa Network

E-Mail: laud.ammah(at)

Immanuel Klein
Immanuel KleinStudent Assistant
Laura Lucaj
Laura LucajStudent Assistant

Project PIs

Prof. Dr. Tim Büthe
Prof. Dr. Tim BütheChair of International Relations
Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx
Prof. Dr. Alena BuyxProfessor for Ethics in Medicine
Prof. Dr. Christian Djeffal
Prof. Dr. Christian DjeffalAssistant Professor for Law, Science and Technology - MCTS
Prof. Dr. Johannes Fottner
Prof. Dr. Johannes FottnerChair of Materials Handling, Material Flow and Logistics
Prof. Dr. Markus Lienkamp
Prof. Dr. Markus LienkampInstitute of Automotive Technology
Prof. Dr. Christoph Lütge
Prof. Dr. Christoph LütgeChair of Business Ethics

Affiliated Researchers

Niklas CyprisMax-Planck-Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Project: Personalized AI-based Interventions Against Online Norm Violations: Behavioral Effects and Ethical Implications
Dr. Irina DolgopolovaTUM School of Management
Project: Consumer perception and acceptance of an AI-enabled recommender system
Severin EngelmannTUM School of Governance
Project: Personalized AI-based Interventions Against Online Norm Violations: Behavioral Effects and Ethical Implications
Felix FischerDepartment of Informatics
Project: Personalized AI-based Interventions Against Online Norm Violations: Behavioral Effects and Ethical Implications
Maximilian Geißlinger Institute of Automotive Technology
Project: ANDRE – AutoNomous DRiving Ethics
Raji GhawiTUM School of Governance
Project: Online Firestorms and Resentment Propagation on Social Media: Dynamics, Predictability, and Mitigation
Martin GottwaldChair of Data Processing, TUM
Project: METHAD
Charlotte Franziska UnruhTechnical University of Munich
Project: A human preference aware optimization system
Charlotte Haid, M.Sc.Department of Mechanical Engineering
Project: A Human preference-aware optimization system
Alice HeinChair of Data Processing, TUM
Project: METHAD
Dimitrij-Marian Holm, M.Sc.Department of Mechanical Engineering
Project: A Human preference-aware optimization system
Dr. Hui HuangDepartment of Mathematics
Project: Online Firestorms and Resentment Propagation on Social Media: Dynamics, Predictability, and Mitigation
Dr. Mrinalini KochupillaiProfessorship for Signal Processing in Earth Observation
Project: AI for Earth Observation
Tina KuoDepartment of Informatics
Project: Personalized AI-based Interventions Against Online Norm Violations: Behavioral Effects and Ethical Implications
Dr. Lukas MeierInstitute of History and Ethics of Medicine
Project: METHAD
Franziska PoszlerTUM School of Governance
Project: ANDRE – AutoNomous DRiving Ethics
Konstantin RiedlTUM Department of Mathematics
Online Firestorms and Resentment Propagation on Social Media: Dynamics, Predictability, and Mitigation
Dr. Julia SasseMax-Planck-Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Project: Personalized AI-based Interventions Against Online Norm Violations: Behavioral Effects and Ethical Implications
Dr. Mirco SchönfeldTUM School of Governance
Project: Online Firestorms and Resentment Propagation on Social Media: Dynamics, Predictability, and Mitigation
Dr. Gari WalkowitzTUM School of Governance,
Project: Online-Offline Spillovers – Potential real-world implications of online manipulation
Wienke StrathernTUM School of Governance
Projects: Online Firestorms and Resentment Propagation on Social Media: Dynamics, Predictability, and Mitigation & Online-Offline Spillovers – Potential real-world implications of online manipulation

External Affiliated Researchers & Consultants

Anastasia Aritzi
Anastasia AritziExternal Communications Consultant to the IEAI
Johann Jakob Häußermann
Johann Jakob HäußermannDoctoral Student and Researcher, Center for Responsible Research and Innovation, Fraunhofer IAO
Anna Hunkenschroer
Anna HunkenschroerDoctoral Student and Consultant at Boston Consulting Group
Dissertation title: AI from a Business-Ethics Perspective
Dr. Danish Rafique
Dr. Danish RafiqueChief AI Officer, TerraLoupe GmbH
Raimund Waning
Raimund WaningDoctoral Student and Researcher, clockworkx GmbH
Dissertation title: “Engineering Ethics in Autonomous Systems”