Virtual IEAI Speaker Series: The Uneasy Relationship Between Human Rights and Public Health: Lessons from Covid-19 and AI with John Tasioulas
July 15, 2021 – 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
With its Speaker Series, the TUM Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence invites experts from all over the world to talk about ethics and governance of AI. These events serve as an important platform for sharing new research and exchanging knowledge.
The July session of the TUM IEAI Speaker Series will take place on 15th July, 11am (CET) virtually via Zoom. The topic of the session will be The Uneasy Relationship Between Human Rights and Public Health: Lessons from Covid-19 and AI.
We are pleased to announce that the speaker for this session is John Tasioulas, Director of the new Institute for Ethics in AI at University of Oxford and Professor of Ethics and Legal Philosophy at their Faculty of Philosophy.
John Tasioulas received degrees in philosophy and law from the University of Melbourne and studied as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford where he completed a D.Phil on moral relativism under the supervision of Joseph Raz. He was the former director of the Yeoh Tiong Lay Centre for Politics, Philosophy and Law at King’s College London.
His research interests include the philosophy of human rights, democracy, the ethics of AI, and the philosophy of international law.
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The Zoom link will be sent to you at the day of the event.